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White Rice

Yup, that's the name of my car. My current obsession is with my 1987 Supra Turbo. It's very slick, and well, fast too.

A brief history of the car:

I bought the car in November 2004 from an older chap who worked walking distance from his work. He only drove the car on weekends and it was in a garage its entire life. Yup, the thing is an absolute gem. I bought her with only 100,000km on the clock, and have since done a few tasteful (at least I think so) modifications. You know, being 23 you gotta have sweet rims, lots of power and all the fixings. So as it stands, White Rice has work done to her intake, turbo, timing, exhaust and tuned via a piggy back computer. Dyno'ing in at 309hp, I'm pretty happy :-)

So what's in store for White Rice now? Well, she's parked under a portable car garage out at my sister's place. During the winter I plan on upgrading a few parts, but at the very least I must redo the clutch, valve cover gaskets and valve stem seals. If all goes well, and deals are to be had - turbo, injectors, fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, intercooler and piping and new head name a few ;-)


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